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☑️ Ensure container memory request and memory limit are equal

A pod will be placed on a node only if the node's capacity allows the Pod’s spec.resources.requests. The pod's spec.resources.limits are not factored into pod scheduling but help protect from a single pod runaway with all resources on a node due to an error or bug.
If pods try to exceed their memory limit they will be OOM and need to be evicted.

When pods attempt to use more resources than are available, the node their in gives priority to one pod over another. In order to make this decision, every Pod has its own Quality of Service (QoS) class. In any case that requests!=limits, the container also has its QOS reduced from Guaranteed to Burstable making it more likely to be evicted in the event of node pressure.

Configuring requests=limits for memory provides the most predictable behavior.

Targeted objects by this rule (types of kind): Deployment / Pod / DaemonSet / StatefulSet / ReplicaSet / CronJob / Job

Complexity: easy (What does this mean?)

Policy as code identifier: EKS_INVALID_MEMORY_REQUEST_LIMIT

This rule will fail

If a container's memory limit and request are different:

memory: "500Mi"
memory: "128Mi"

Rule output in the CLI

$ datree test *.yaml

>> File: failExample.yaml
❌ Ensure container memory request and memory limit are equal [1 occurrence]
💡 Invalid value for memory request and/or memory limit - ensure they are equal to prevent unpredictable behavior

How to fix this failure

memory: "128Mi"
memory: "128Mi"

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