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☑️ Ensure Rollout pause step has a configured duration

Users can define a list of steps the controller uses to manipulate the ReplicaSets during the rollout. Each step can have one of two fields.

The setWeight field dictates the percentage of traffic that should be sent to the canary, and the pause struct instructs the rollout to pause.

When the controller reaches a pause step for a rollout, it will set adds a PauseCondition struct to the .status.PauseConditions field. If the duration field within the pause struct is set, the rollout will not progress to the next step until it has waited for the value of the duration field. Otherwise, the rollout will wait indefinitely until that Pause condition is removed.

By using the setWeight and the pause fields, a user can declaratively describe how they want to progress to the new version.

Targeted objects by this rule (types of kind): Rollout

Complexity: easy (What does this mean?)


This rule will fail

If the duration key is not set:

kind: Rollout
      - pause: {}

Rule output in the CLI

$ datree test *.yaml

>> File: failExample.yaml
❌ Ensure Rollout pause step has a configured duration [1 occurrence]
💡 Missing the key `duration` - prevent the rollout from waiting indefinitely for the pause condition

How to fix this failure

Set the duration key and give it a value:

kind: Rollout
      - pause:
         duration: 1h # 1 hour

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