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Rego support

Datree supports writing custom rules in the Rego language, by utilizing a custom JSON Schema keyword.

Supported version

Writing custom rules in Rego is supported in CLI version 1.8.41 and above.

Required properties

In addition to the basic required format, a Rego custom rule has the following requirements:

  • The schema property must have a property named regoDefinition.
  • The regoDefinition property must have a property named code that contains the Rego logic of the rule.
    • The code property must be a string that contains a violation function definition.
    • The violation function must return a boolean value.
  • The regoDefinition property may have a property named libs, which is an array of library functions that will be available to the Rego package.
Online Rego validation

Ensure the validity of your rules and test them against your resources using the Rego playground.


The following schema requires the tested Deployment resource to have a billing label:

- |
package lib.helpers
check_if_missing(missing) = isMissing {
isMissing := count(missing) > 0
code: |
package requiredlabels
import data.lib.helpers

violation[labelIsMissing] {
input.kind == "Deployment"
provided := {label | input.metadata.labels[label]}
required := {"billing"}
missing := required - provided
labelIsMissing := helpers.check_if_missing(missing)


In the above example, the constraint input.kind == "Deployment" is a part of the Rego logic.
You can also write such a constraint in JSON schema and write the rest of the logic in Rego:

# Constraint - enforce rule only on `Deployment` resources
type: string
- Deployment
- |
package lib.helpers
check_if_missing(missing) = isLabelMissing {
isLabelMissing := count(missing) > 0
code: |
package requireBillingLabel
import data.lib.helpers

violation[isLabelMissing] {
provided := {label | input.metadata.labels[label]}
required := {"billing"}
missing := required - provided
isLabelMissing := helpers.check_if_missing(missing)

For more examples, including a complete custom rules YAML, see the examples page.